I've always had a soft spot for cartoons, animated or printed. I've got a collection of some french cartoons I discovered when I was studying there. When it comes to comic books Gaston is my favourite. I've created my own character that you see called Ma-Grizza(old lady). The reason she's spelt with two "z"s is simply to amplify her sizzling character. I've been trying to get her published through newspapers and magazines alike but there seem to be no takers. You'll see her in full comic book format sometime in the near future. In the meantime I'll be enjoying Spongebob with my kids, we love him!
We have a way to go before we can have a thriving cartoon culture. It used to be there when I was growing up in the form of photocomic books like Tessa, She, Chunky Charlie etc. That was continued in magazines like Bona which introduced the Bafanas cartoon later on. But I'm glad that we have a strong stand-up comic culture as I believe it'll open up doors for cartoon culture.